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午夜电影网 韩国70岁老奶奶走红YouTube 成超等网红 - 哥也操


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午夜电影网 韩国70岁老奶奶走红YouTube 成超等网红

发布日期:2024-10-29 19:55    点击次数:164

韩国70岁的Park Makrye是一位奶奶级网红,她在视频网站YouTube上开设的频谈成心示范化妆,况兼还跟粉丝们共享她的老年生存。韩国年青东谈主皆合计奶奶真谛极了。奶奶咫尺诚然是一位名东谈主了,但她每天如故会在早晨前起床午夜电影网,运行主见我方的饭店。

韩国70岁老奶奶走红YouTube 成超等网红

One of South Korea's hottest YouTube stars is a 70-year-old grandmother whose cool, undaunted style and hilarity are a breath of fresh air in a social media universe that exalts youth and perfect looks. 一位70岁的老奶奶成了YouTube上最红的韩国齐集明星,她前锋且丧胆的作风,她的嬉笑玩闹,在珍视年青和好意思貌的外交媒体上无疑是一股清流。

Park Makrye's videos are all about showing off her wrinkles and her elderly life in the raw. Young South Koreans find her so funny and adorable that big companies like Samsung Electronics are banking on her popularity. Park Makrye的视频皆在毫无保密地展示我方的皱纹和晚年生存。韩国的年青东谈主合计她很真谛很可儿,像三星这样的大公司也依靠她的名气作念告白。

Despite her new life as a celebrity, she still gets up before dawn to run her diner. 尽管Markrye奶奶咫尺是一位名东谈主了,但她仍然每天早晨前起床主见她的小餐馆。

Serving kimchi while clad in a dotted pink top and short skirt with a kitchen hygiene hat on her head, Park isn't exactly the most stylish beauty icon. 穿戴粉色波点上衣和迷你裙,头戴厨房卫生帽,为主顾作念着韩国泡菜,这样的Markrye奶奶并不是典型的前锋好意思女。

Yet, South Koreans love watching her give make-up tutorials, reunite with an old friend or try pasta for the first time in her life in her "Grandma's Diary" YouTube videos. 干系词,韩国东谈主可爱她在YouTube上开设的节目“奶奶的平淡”,她在视频等共享好意思妆教程、纪录与故友再见以及东谈主生中第一次尝试意大利面的现象。

"She's real. She's not fake," said Lee Injae, a 31-year-old living in Seoul. "It's refreshing to see the world through the eyes of a grandmother." 31岁的李英宰住在首尔,他说,“她很真确,绝不作念作,透过一位老奶奶的眼去看这个宇宙让东谈主盖头换面”。

韩国70岁老奶奶走红YouTube 成超等网红

Before YouTube, Park says, her life was "dead like rotten bean sprouts." Makrye奶奶说,在YouTube上开设节咫尺,她的生存“像靡烂的芽菜一般暮气千里千里”。

"We used to think, 'Since I'm over 70, my life is over,'" Park said in an interview with The Associated Press, sitting in the living room that she turns into her YouTube studio by taping a broad piece of paper on the wall. Makrye奶奶在客厅里接纳了好意思联社的采访,客厅的墙上贴了很大一张纸,她将其酿成了YouTube演播室,在接纳采访时她说,“咱们会认为‘70岁之后,我的东谈主生就适度了’”。

"But as I started doing this, I realized life starts at 71 years old," she said, adding an extra year as is the custom in Korea and many other Asian countries. “然则我运行作念这件过后,我合计我的生存在71岁的时辰又运行了”,她如是说谈,把年事多说一岁是韩国和其他亚洲国度的习俗。

Encouraged by a granddaughter to start making videos as a way to stave off dementia, Park is living it up. She's posed for a women's monthly magazine spread, and will be appearing next week as a model in a YouTube commercial for Samsung's TV. Makrye奶奶在孙女的饱读舞下运行录制视频,以此来降速稚童,咫尺她竟乐在其中。Makrye奶奶已为一册女性周刊拍摄了相片,下周还将作为模了得咫尺三星电视投放在YouTube上的告白中。

Her fans travel from across the country to eat at her diner where one can get filled with a rice and vegetable meal for just $5 in a remote part of Yongin, a city 34 kilometers south of Seoul with no easy public transport access. Makrye奶奶的小餐馆位于龙仁的偏远地区,龙仁在首尔以南34公里外,交通并未便利,然则她的粉丝从宇宙各地赶来光顾她的小店,在这里花5好意思元享受一顿蔬菜饭。

Kim Yura, Park's 27-year-old granddaughter, stopped working as an acting instructor to travel with her grandmother after a doctor told the family she had a high risk of getting Alzheimer's disease like her three elder sisters. Kim took her grandmother to Australia, as a treat after more than 40 years of raising children and running a restaurant. 医师曾告诉Makrye奶奶的家东谈主,她很有可能和她的三个姐姐相似患上老年稚童症,是以她27岁的孙女金亚荣停驻扮演敦厚的职责,和奶奶去旅游。金亚荣带Makrye奶奶去了澳大利亚,作为念是对奶奶40多年来养育子女、主见餐馆的犒劳。

韩国70岁老奶奶走红YouTube 成超等网红

A video of the grandmother-granddaughter duo visiting Cairns, Australia in January shows Park describing her first time diving in the ocean and her sprinting to a swimming pool like a kid. It was a big hit among young South Koreans: less than six months later, Park has about 400,000 followers on YouTube and Instagram. Makrye奶奶在祖孙二东谈主一月同游澳大利亚凯恩斯的视频中,展示了她第一次潜水,还有像小孩相似跳进游池塘的场景。这一视频大受韩国年青东谈主怜爱:不到6个月,Makrye奶奶在YouTube和Instagram上就诱导了40万粉丝。

Since then, everything has "flipped like a pancake," Park quips. Makrye奶奶玩笑说,从那以后,生存就像“煎饼相似翻了个面儿”。

"I learned then that my grandmother was just like us. She likes to travel, eat tasty food and take pretty photos," said Kim, who films and edits the videos. 金亚荣为Makrye奶奶拍摄和裁剪视频,她说,“我发现我奶奶和咱们相似,皆可爱旅游、吃好意思食、拍好意思照”。

"I'm her fan too. She is such a cool person." “我咫尺亦然她的粉丝,她险些太酷了”。

Her fans love Park's unfiltered comments in her local dialect, such as a remark about Korean soap operas — "those things get pregnant days and nights." Makrye奶奶的粉丝可爱她用方言无谓婉词地辩论,比如她辩论韩国的肥皂剧——“随时皆有肥皂剧生出来”。

"The reason she is so popular is that she talks candidly without pretension about things that women feel uncomfortable about," said Lee Taek Gwang, a professor of culture studies at Kyunghee University. "She talks about topics that we don't dare to talk about, especially on women's issues." 庆熙大学文化不时院的素养李泽光说,“Makrye奶奶之是以这样受接待,是因为她绝不保密地坦言那些让女性不舒畅的事情,她辩论那些咱们不敢谈及的话题,尤其是女性有关的话题”。

About cosmetic companies' promises to make women younger and prettier, Park scoffs, "You just have to be born again." 关于有些化妆品公司应许让女性更年青更漂亮,Makrye奶奶嘲讽谈,“更年青,更漂亮?那你独一再行出身”。

Offering make-up tips to help people look a decade younger, she warns teenage viewers, "You guys shouldn't do this or you'll look like infants."Makrye奶奶一边提供好意思妆手段,匡助东谈主们看起来年青10岁,一边辅导青少年不雅众,“你们可不成用这些手段,否则会看起来像小孩子相似”。



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